…no support. “You can’t do it!”
…insults. “Is your husband okay with this?”
…disrespect. “No. I think what you’re actually saying is…”
…less pay. “But you’re not as knowledgeable as him”
…profiling. “You must be the diversity hire!”
…isolation. “Sorry you had to miss that, we could not move it to when you were available.”
…gender bias. “But how will you balance serving and taking care of your kids?”
…racism. “Why don’t you go back to where you came from?”
…sexual harassment. “Oh come on! I was just playing.”
…sexual assault. “You were asking for it.”
…domestic violence. “You can’t tell anyone, it’ll ruin your career.”
…intimidation. “We know where you and your family live.”
…death threats. “I’m going to find you and kill you.”
That is how Ghosh Innovation Lab was born.
To all women who run for office: We salute you for standing up and serving our communities. We salute you for being so badass and facing all the things in that story, and more. You inspire us.
That’s why we are working to build something to support, understand, inform, equip, and empower you – so more badass girl power can be rightfully included in our democracy!
[Fun fact: Our logo {g} is a code symbol that essentially means “including g” for girl power.]
Executive Director and Founder